Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Annotated/revised Peer Rules

Changes/Annotations are in red

  • The game is played with two people.(Lifeforms)
  • Both players can pick from three choices: rock, paper, or scissors.
  • Rock beats scissors.
  • Scissors beats paper.
  • Paper beats rock.
  • Each player shakes their fists three times saying "Rock paper scissors shoot"(Can a player choose to choose later than the other?)
  • When the players say shoot, they make their hands into the shape of whatever choice they made (i.e. make your hand into a fist for rock)
  • Winner is decided right away unless you play best out of 3.
  • No skill is usually involved.
  • Rock is the best choice. (Highly debatable)

Rocks Paper Scissors

Ralph Perricelli
GDD 110 Visual
RPS Rules

For rocks paper scissors there are few rules compared to the complicated games we play today. To play this game you must follow this set of rules:
  •         Both players must one hand, to play one of the three types (Rocks, Paper or Scissors)
  •         A game is over when the players have not tied, someone must win
  •        The winning and losing conditions are as follows, Paper covers Rock, Rock smashes Scissors, and Scissors cut paper.
  •         If both players throw the same object/type, it results in a null game and they go again.
  •     Once a player wins 2 out of 3 games, they are the champion